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Secure Events for the automotive industry through the certification according to TISAX® of Stigler & Roos GmbH

TV Studio

Backless is carefree, that is the motto under which Stigler & Roos carries out successful customer events for the automotive industry. The use of modern IT systems and digital technology is a matter of course. This is also the reason why Stigler & Roos GmbH was one of the first companies in the event industry to be certified according to the TISAX® standard. Memex convinced with a practical implementation concept.

Die Herausforderung

Demonstration of a capable information security organization with defined processes.

Die Lösung

Demonstration of a capable information security organization with defined processes.

Der Nutzen

Demonstration of a capable information security organization with defined processes.

Die Herausforderung

Professionalism in the realization of major events is a top priority at Stigler & Roos. This requires a wide range of skills, from a flair for dramaturgical staging and artistic accents to technical know-how for the implementation of ideas and the ability to plan and control complex event management processes. To ensure that not only the event experience is right, but also the budget fits in the end, the accompanying project controlling is also part of the company’s range of services.

It is clear that the event industry is now benefiting extensively from digitization. From conception and planning, through project management and design, to the event and media technology itself, information and data are created and exchanged between event organizers, service providers and suppliers. When it comes to information security and data protection, customers now make no compromises. They expect the same quality and professionalism here as they do from the suppliers in their supply chains. Since Stigler & Roos organizes many events, such as annual general meetings, for customers in the automotive sector, it was clear that certification according to TISAX® would best meet the customer’s requirements.

Die Lösung von Memex

TISAX® is a joint testing and exchange procedure in the automotive sector. It is based on the questionnaire (ISA – Information Security Assessment) developed by the VDA working group “Information Security”, which takes up essential aspects of the international standard ISO/IEC 27001 and adds a maturity model.

Because of its experience in the implementation and certification of information security management systems, Stigler & Roos chose Memex as its partner for the certification according to TISAX®. At the beginning of the project, the scope and certification level were agreed upon. With the help of a digital document management system, it was ensured that all necessary work bases, for example checklists, forms and work instructions, were correctly managed. The certification was also the occasion to realign the IT infrastructure and move the company’s event-related information and other sensitive data to a secure cloud environment. One challenge of the project was that events require many suppliers, service providers and specialists to work together.

With the implementation of a certifiable cloud environment, including associated security measures, a secure data environment was created for all partners involved. Since Stigler & Ross also regularly assumes responsibility for the more secure processing of personal data at events, the creation of accompanying data protection documentation was another important aspect of the project.

With an internal audit, which had to be carried out by an external company due to specific TISAX® requirements and contrary to what the name suggests, Memex established Stigler & Roos’ certification capability.

Der Nutzen für das Unternehmen

The intensive preparation paid off; after only five months, Stigler & Ross GmbH was able to successfully complete the TISAX® audit by an approved testing service provider and subsequently received the coveted certificate. Among customers, the certificate will strengthen trust in Stigler & Roos and the company’s perception as a professional service provider in the important areas of information security and data protection.

With the certification according to TISAX®, Stigler & Roos meets a standard that is recognized by all VDA members and beyond the automotive industry. For Stigler & Roos, there is no longer any need to deal with individual catalogs of measures relating to data protection and information security. The certification shows other TISAX® participants the importance of information security in the company, so that new business opportunities arise here. However, TISAX® is more than just an image enhancement. The further development of the standard, the annual internal assessment and the recertification required every 3 years ensure the continuous development and improvement of information security at the participating companies.

Portrait von Christiane Nienhaus

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